Eight Ways of Being Smart:
#1>verbal linguistic:
this kind of people learn better throw;
reading, writing, telling stories, memorizing dates, thinking in words.
read, write, talk, memorize, work at puzzles.
reading, hearing and seeing words, speaking, writing, discussing and debating.
#2 > math-logic:
is for people whom learn by:
math, reasoning, logic, problem-solving, patterns.
solve problems, question, work with numbers, experiment.
working with patterns and relationships, classifying, categorizing, working with the abstract.
#3 > Spatial:
reading, maps, charts, drawing, mazes, puzzles, imaging things, visualization.
design, draw, build, create, daydream, look at pictures.
working with pictures and colors, visualizing, drawing.
#4 > Bodily- Kinesthetic:
athletics, dancing, acting, crafts, using tools.
move around, touch and talk, body language.
touching, moving, processing knowledge through bodily sensations.
#5 > Musical:
singing, picking up sounds, remembering melodies, rhythms.
sing, hum, play an instrument, listen to music.
rhythm, melody, singing, listening to music and melodies.
#6 > Interpersonal:
understanding people, leading, organizing, communicating, resolving conflicts, selling.
have friends, talk to people, join groups.
sharing, comparing, relating, interviewing, cooperating.
#7 > Intrapersonal:
understanding self, recognizing strengths and weaknesses, setting goals.
work alone, reflect, pursue interests.
working alone, doing self-paced projects, having space, reflecting.
#8 > Naturalist:
understanding nature, making distinctions, identifying flora and fauna.
be involved with nature, make distinctions.
working in nature, exploring things, learning about plants and natural events.
All this are the eight ways of being smart which identifies each people posted by Gardner.
6 comentarios:
It was very intresting...you comment was great.
Hi friend your data is wonderful
Your topic is Interesting,because IT help us to understand the different or Multiples Inteligences, is important to me to know about it because, I am going to be teacher.Thank's for the information.
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Hi!!! my baby says that he/she liked your information about multiple intelligences, and me too!
Ok. To begin with the warm-up was so short but , good, the activity about writing was innovative and the speaking part was kind of messy but , I learned little bit as tuly said ¨we all are learning ¨. The activity was little long and too much writing. Some how good to mention is that, you all used the same phrasal verbs, so in that way is easier to learn. As a whole is was fine …
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